Argentinian Steakhouse at the Del Corso Hotel is one of the best argentine grills of Romania, and an elegant place to eat at Timisoara.
It is a new restaurant, it opened in February 2019, but it quickly positioned as a must visit place for both locals and visitors. It is a stylish place, so expect to spend accordingly.
Excellent beef cuts are complemented with a well selected wine list from Argentina, Romania and other wine European wines.

At the restaurant Argentinian Timisoara the drinks are highly recommended as well, so you can take a time before you order.

Argentinian Steakhouse Timisoara reviews and recommendations
The average review of locals and visitors is very positive. What people liked about this Argentinian restaurant in Timisoara:
- Beef cuts and steaks: the T-Bone is among the most mentioned, highly recommended
- The “Batatas”: sweet potatoes are a classic side order in Argentina for beef, and not often found abroad
- The chimichurri sauce
- The service: all customers praised the good service, and informed waiters.
What people did not like of Argentinian Steakhouse Timisoara
- Some complained about the noise of the blenders at the bar. They sell a lot of drinks and the blenders work full time
- Some complained about the price. But having a good steak is not inexpensive anywhere in the world (with the exception of Argentina during an economic downturn like now in 2020 2021)
Argentinian Steakhouse Timosoara steakhouse Menu and price

The Argentinian Steakhouse menu boasts some of the classic argentine beef cuts:
- Bife Ancho or rib eye
- Asado de tira or short ribs
- Tomahawk, a not very Argentinian cut that includes a large rib bone that is aged 2-3 weeks
- Matambre, a rarely seen cut outside Argentina because it is the diafragm of the cow
- Entrecot, a cut that is a boneless T bone, called in Argentina as just a “bife” or “costeleta” when it has the bones (meaning a steak you can grill fast at your home even if you don’t have a parilla-grill)
- Lomo, tenderloin or filet mignon
Despite prices at restaurants in Romania are generally very low compared to those at Western Europe capitals, the prices of Argentinian Steakhouse, a classy restaurant in a beautiful city look moderate.
As shown in the beef cuts menu, the prices for these Argentinian beef cuts range from 34 Ron to 37 Ron per 100 grams (almost a quarter pound/lbs) of great beef.
Ron, the Romanian Leu is the currency of Romania, not yet adopting Euro. The US dollar to RON exchange rate is 4.3x.
So the prices for less than a quarter pound, 0.22 of a Lbs (not a decent size, at least you’d need 2x) of premium beef would be:
- Bife Ancho or rib eye price: $7.9
- Asado de tira or short ribs: $ 4.3
- Tomahawk, a not very Argentinian cut that includes a large rib bone that is aged 2-3 weeks: $ 8.1
- Matambre, a rarely seen cut outside Argentina because it is the diafragm of the cow: $7
- Entrecot, a cut that is a boneless T bone, called in Argentina as just a “bife” or “costeleta” when it has the bones (meaning a steak you can grill fast at your home even if you don’t have a parilla-grill): $6.7
- Lomo, tenderloin or filet mignon:$ 38
Clearly, the tenderloin is what you need to avoid at Argentinian Steakhouse Timisoara. The filet mignon is very tender, and with little fat, but the lack of marmolade makes it easy to get over cooked when grilled. And the flavor is week. The other beef cuts are amazing and with a fair price.
The ambience and client service at Argentinian Steakhouse is great and manager professionally by Miruna Lazar, who has a great experience managing upscale restaurants and events.

Reservations and location of Argentian Steakhouse Timosoara
Address: Timisoara Strada Suceava nr. 10, at the Del Corso Hotel
Phone: 0256283283